Feriens Tego - Striking I Defend

Higashi Honganji Temple, Kyoto, Japan - June 2024.
Garry has been a full time instructor in self defence, theory and practice, since 2008. He is a 5th Dan Black Belt in Ju Jitsu (a Japanese system of unarmed combat and physical fitness) and runs his own very successful classes in Sheffield.
Passionate about delivering training of the highest quality Garry constantly studies and trains hard to achieve this aim. He has extensive experience of real life violence and its aftermath, his wife is an experienced criminal lawyer and senior partner in a law firm
Passionate about delivering training of the highest quality Garry constantly studies and trains hard to achieve this aim. He has worked and collaborated with violence professionals from around the world including the USA, Israel, South Africa, Russia and India and is cited in a number of books particularly his colleagues Marc MacYoung and Rory Miller. He has attended, and hosted, many training seminars in different combat systems in order to enhance his own practical and theoretical understanding.
Previously a contributor, and editor of, Conflict Manager Magazine, his 1st book, Fighting Fit: Go Wild and Kick and Punch Your Way to Fitness, is now available via Amazon books. He also contributed a chapter to Marc MacYoung's book, 'Beyond the Picket Fence'.
He holds the following qualifications:
5th Dan Black Belt – British Combat Association - 2023
Certificate in Safeguarding Children L3 – Safeguarding Children e-Academy Virtual College -2021
4th Dan Black Belt – British Combat Association - 2016
Certificate in Safeguarding and Leadership – Safeguarding Children e-Academy Virtual College - 2013
Certificate in Awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect - Safeguarding Children
e-Academy Virtual College - 2013
Senior Instructor – UK Martial Arts Alliance - 2010
KEWAP (Knife and Edged Weapons Awareness Programme) Instructor – Trident Self Defence Training - 2010
Senior Instructor – British Ju Jitsu Association (Sport England Level 1, 2, 3 & 4) - 2009
3rd Dan Black Belt – British Ju Jitsu Association - 2008
Instructor – British Combat Association – 2008
2nd Dan Black Belt - British Ju Jitsu Association – 2004
1st Dan Black Belt - British Ju Jitsu Association – 2002
Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management – Sheffield Hallam University - 2000
BA Hons (2:1) Degree in Sociology and Education - University of Warwick - 1992
Diploma in Social & Community Studies – Northern College - 1990
Certificate in Social & Community Studies – Northern College – 1989
Over the years I have coached several thousand students on self defence courses and in my Ju Jitsu classes. I thoroughly enjoy teaching and maintain my enthusiasm after all these years.
I still enjoy training myself and intend to continue as long as possible, as a wise person once said, we cannot help getting older but we do not have to get old.
I recently published my first book, see below, and have just started on my next writing project which has the working title of
'Breaking People Made Easy'.
Happy days.

Paperback and Kindle available